Customer Testimonials

From OLI’s Mailbox …

"I transferred to OLI from another hosting company at the suggestion of
my technical consultant — bless him. In my experience they really are about
the customer."

Bill Fairbairn

"I have been a customer of OLI for over 10 years. I have tried other
service providers but none compare to the thorough customer service I always receive from Online Institute. Thank you OLI for many years of cost effective
solutions for my needs."

Don Simpson, Owner
A-Z Tech Integrators LLC
Card Access and Security Experts

"OLI is unmatched as far as responsiveness, great service, and wonderful products. In responding to my questions, OLI not only answers my questions, but gives me other alternatives that support my objectives. That truly sets them apart!"

Anita Broughton
Angel Being LLC

Home of the Volunteer and Fundraising Forum

"I’ve used OLI’s FTP Hosting for years and I’ve never encountered another business with customer support as good as Online Institute. They’re the best!"

Kim Stevens

KMS Studio Graphics

"I have found Online Institute’s
service very reliable, responses to my inquires have always been timely and
OLI’s staff is courteous. I guess that’s why I have been with them for
several years now!"

Thanks Guys

Neville O’Meally

MIS Director

"Thank you very much to all at OLI for the new Message Board and Chat Room
our Scots Heritage Society Members now enjoy. I was very impressed with
the way in which you handled my inquiries and then set up the facilities
quickly and exactly as I had requested them. I find them easy to
administer and our Members report them easy to use. They have already
paid for themselves in new subscribers to SCOTS. Often one gets the run-around on the internet, but I found OLI efficient
and professional with a well designed and affordable product. Thank you
very much."

Yours aye,

Susan Cromarty

Editor, SCOTS

Manager, The Scots Heritage Genealogy Forum

"It is important for my web design business to have my clients hosted
with a business that gives us dependability, high quality services, and
answers. I especially like Online Institute’s support. They are very
reliable and I get answers quickly. I recommend Online Institute to all
of my clients."

Jeanette Mahoney
LadyTek Designs

"I want to thank OLI for the outstanding cooperation that they have provided
to My company over the years. When it came time to get into the internet
world they provided me with the information that helped me to make the move
in the right direction and they continue to provide me with that same great
service. I appreciate what and how they have responded to my every need up
to this point and will continue to use them as my support team well into the
future. Thank you OLI for making my job easier."

Steven Schwandt
Sales With Services Inc.

"I needed a basic service that can be upgraded in time and offered just that. I have been working with them for
almost a year now and we had no problems what so ever. All their tools
helped make site management easy and fast. This is truly a great service and
I recommend it without hesitation."

Ben Faragau,
Marketing Manager
Pascoe Dirpes and Associates

"Online Institute made it easy and fun to get my website started, and provides plenty of online tools for convenient access. Thank you OLI!

Melissa @ MJM Designs LLC and TowelHoodies

"As a customer of Online Institute for several years now I have nothing but
praise for their consistency in online service, and excellent technical
Great support, price and professional integrity!
I wouldn’t dream of doing business elsewhere."

John Earl Williams